
Acanthoperga Shipp, 1894: 338, 339. Type species: Perga cameronii Westwood, by original designation.


Rohwer 1911a [type species information: 73]; Benson 1939 [description of female, illustration of adult, key, new taxon: 325, 326, 327, 355-356]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 146]; Pagliano & Scaramozzino 1990 [catalogue/checklist: 26]; Abe & Smith 1991 [systematics – classification: 3].

Acanthoperga cameronii (Westwood)

Perga cameronii Westwood, 1880: 367. Type locality: “Australasia”. Syntype, female. Type depository: OXUM. Described: female. Illust.

Acanthoperga cameronii: Shipp, 1894: 339. Change of combination.


Kirby 1882 [distribution (range): 25]; Froggatt 1890c [distribution (range), catalogue/checklist: 691]; Shipp 1893 [distribution record: 265]; Dalla Torre 1894 [catalogue/checklist: 349]; Shipp 1894 [distribution (range), nomenclature: 339]; Froggatt 1901 [distribution (range): 6]; Konow 1905a [distribution (range): 11]; Froggatt 1907 [description, distribution (range): 72]; Morice 1919 [distribution (range), illustration of female, illustration of lance/lancet, key, synonymy, type information: 275, pl. xiv, fig. 18, pl. xv, fig. 20]; Tillyard 1926 [description: 265]; Benson 1939 [description of female, distribution (range), illustration of adult, key: 325, 328, 355]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist, host plant: 146]; Schmidt 2006 [catalogue/checklist, host plant: 629]; Schmidt et al. (2006) [host plant: 183].


Australasian: Australia (New South Wales [Froggatt 1901, Benson 1939, Smith 1978, Schmidt 2006], Queensland [Benson 1939, Smith 1978, Schmidt 2006]).


Host – MYRTALES Myrtaceae: Corymbia gummifera (Gaertn.) K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson [Froggatt 1899, Schmidt et al. (2006)].

Acanthoperga leucomelas (Rohwer)

Perga leucomelas Rohwer, 1910: 467-468. Type locality: Australia: Kuranda, Queensland. Holotype female, by original designation. Type depository: BMNH. Described: female.

Acanthoperga leucomelas: Benson, 1939: 355. Change of combination.

Acanthoperga leucomelaena: Smith, 1978: 145. Misspelling of species name.


Morice 1919 [distribution (range), key, synonymy, type information: 275]; Benson 1939 [description of female, distribution (range), illustration of adult, key: 325, 355]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 146]; Schmidt 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 629].


Australasian: Australia (Queensland [Morice 1919, Benson 1939, Smith 1978, Schmidt 2006]).

Acanthoperga marlatti Benson

Acanthoperga marlatti Benson, 1939: 355, 356. Type locality: Australia: E Dorrigo, Brooklands, New South Wales. Holotype female, by monotypy. Type depository: MAMU. Described: female.


Benson 1939 [distribution (range), key, key: 355, 356]; Quinlan 1974 [type information: 223]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 146]; Schmidt 2006 [catalogue/checklist, host plant: 629]; Schmidt et al. (2006) [host plant: 183].


Australasian: Australia (New South Wales [Smith 1978, Schmidt 2006]).


Host – MYRTALES Myrtaceae: Acmena smithii (Poir.) Merr. & L.M.Perry [Schmidt 2006, Schmidt et al. 2006].

Acanthoperga melanocera Benson

Acanthoperga melanocera Benson, 1965: 48. Type locality: Papua New Guinea: Mt Giluwe, 2500 m, 1.v.1963 (J. Sedlacek). Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: BPBM. Described: female.


Benson 1965 [key: 48]; Quinlan 1974 [type information: 223]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 146]; Schmidt 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 629].


Australasian: Papua New Guinea [Smith 1978, Schmidt 2006].