Cladomacra Smith, 1860: 256-257. Type species: Cladomacra macropus Smith, by monotypy.
Macroclada Konow, 1905a: 46. Unjustified emendation, discovered by Smith, 1978: 160.
Cameron 1882 [taxonomy, synonymy: 132]; Kirby 1882 [description, systematics – classification, new taxon: 96-97]; Ashmead 1898 [key: 227]; Rohwer 1911a [type information: 77]; Rohwer 1911c [systematics – classification: 226]; Konow 1903b [systematics – classification: 162]; Benson 1938c [systematics – classification: 382]; Benson & Conde 1938 [description, systematics – classification: 121-122]; Benson 1965 [key to species, new taxon: 46-47]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 160]; Pagliano & Scaramozzino 1990 [catalogue/checklist: 62, 119]; Abe & Smith 1991 [synonymy, systematics – classification: 20, 47]; Pschorn-Walcher 1998 [behaviour, oviposition, sociality: 460, 464]; Schmidt & Brown 2005 [systematics – classification: 6].
Cladomacra fulva Togashi
Cladomacra fulva Togashi, 1981: 414-416. Type locality: Papua New Guinea: Yalom, 1000 m. Holotype male, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: ZMUC. Described: male and larva. Illust.
Togashi 1981 [illustration of male, illustration of male genitalia: 414-416]; Schmidt 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 631].
Australasian: Papua New Guinea [Togashi 1981, Schmidt 2006].
Cladomacra macropus Smith
Cladomacra macropus Smith, 1860: 257. Type locality: Indonesia: Sulawesi (=Celebes). Syntype, male. Type depository: BMNH. Described: male.
Macroclada macropus: Konow, 1905a: 46.
Kirby 1882 [description of male, distribution record, illustration of female, type information: 96-97]; Dalla Torre 1894 [catalogue/checklist: 306]; Benson 1938c [illustration of adult: 374]; Benson 1965 [key: 47]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 160]; Smith 1980b [distribution record, illustration of adult, illustration of male genitalia: 340, 343]; Naumann 1983 [taxonomy: 346]; Schmidt 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 631].
Australasian: Indonesia (West Papua [Smith 1978, Smith 1980b], Sulawesi (=Celebes) [Kirby 1882, Smith 1978, Schmidt 2006]); Papua New Guinea? [Smith 1978, Schmidt 2006].
Cladomacra nigriceps Benson
Cladomacra nigriceps Benson, 1965: 46-47. Type locality: Papua New Guinea: Owen Stanley Range, Bome, 1950 m, 16.-31.5.1958 (W.W. Brandt). Holotype male, by original designation. Type depository: BPBM. Described: male. Illust.
Benson 1965 [illustration of male, illustration of male genitalia, key: 46-47]; Quinlan 1974 [type information: 232]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 160]; Smith 1980b [description of female, distribution record, illustration of female, illustration of lance/lancet: 332, 334, 343]; Naumann 1984 [taxonomy: 346]; Schmidt 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 631].
Australasian: Indonesia (West Papua [Smith 1980b, Schmidt 2006]); Papua New Guinea [Smith 1978, Smith 1980b, Schmidt 2006].
Collected during the whole year at elevations of (300-)1200-2800 m (Smith 1980b).
Cladomacra opa Smith
Cladomacra opa Smith, 1980b: 343-345. Type locality: Papua New Guinea: Bulldog Road, 2070 m, 60 km S of Wau. Holotype male, by original designation. Type depository: BPBM. Described: male. Illust.
Smith 1980b [illustration of male, illustration of male genitalia: 340, 343-345]; Naumann 1984 [taxonomy: 346]; Schmidt 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 631].
Australasian: Papua New Guinea [Smith 1980b, Schmidt 2006].
Cladomacra taoi Shinohara
Cladomacra taoi Shinohara, 1986: 247-249. Type locality: Indonesia: Tana Traja, Rante Pao, Gunon Pedamaran, Sulawesi (=Celebes). Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: NSMT. Described: female. Illust.
Shinohara 1986 [biology, habitat, illustration of female, illustration of sawsheath: 247-252]; Schedl 1991 [host plant, illustration of female, structure: 21, 72, 73]; Pschorn-Walcher 1998 [behaviour, defence, sociality: 464]; Schmidt 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 631].
Australasian: Indonesia (Sulawesi (=Celebes) [Shinohara 1986, Schmidt 2006]).
The single known specimen, an apterous female, was collected under bark on a log standing over a batch of eggs (Shinohara 1986).
Cladomacra terricola Naumann
Cladomacra terricola Naumann, 1984: 339-342. Type locality: Papua New Guinea: 6 km ENE of Kaisernik Village, near Wau, 7º21’S 146º49’E. Holotype female, by original designation. Type depository: ANIC. Described: female and larva. Illust. Collected under log ‘brooding’ egg mass.
Naumann 1984 [description of immature stages, illustration of female, systematics – classification: 339-349]; Schedl 1991 [host plant, illustration of female, structure: 21, 72, 73]; Schmidt 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 631].
Australasian: Papua New Guinea [Naumann 1984, Schmidt 2006].
The apterous female holotype was, when collected, under a log standing over a batch of 35 smooth, ovoid eggs (Naumann 1984). It was, at the time of description, the first known apterous pergid and the second known apterous sawfly. The other apterous sawfly is the female of Cacosyndia dimorpha (Freymuth) (Tenthredinidae) from central Asia. The larva resembles most closely those of the Perreyiinae (Naumann 1984).
Cladomacra sp.
Smith 1980b [description of female, distribution record, illustration of female: 332, 345].
Australasian: Papua New Guinea [Smith 1980b].