Lagideus Konow, 1905c: 160. Type species: Lagideus crinitus Konow, by monotypy.
Konow 1905a [description, distribution (range), key: 32, 35-36]; Rohwer 1911a [type information: 81]; Benson 1935 [systematics – classification: 224]; Benson 1938c [systematics – classification: 381]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 174]; Pagliano & Scaramozzino 1990 [catalogue/checklist: 111]; Smith 1990 [distribution (range), key, key to species, taxonomy: 100, 107-125]; Abe & Smith 1991 [systematics – classification: 43]; Smith 1995a [diagnosis, distribution (range): 172]; Smith 1995b [illustration of adult: 161]; Smith & Bado 2004 [diagnosis, distribution (range), host plant: 120].
Lagideus albitarsis Malaise
Lagideus albitarsis Malaise, 1942: 110-112. Type locality: Brazil: Santa Catarina. Holotype male, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: NHRS. Described: male. Illust.
Malaise 1949 [description: 19]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 174]; Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of male genitalia, key, taxonomy, type information: 108, 114]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Brazil (Santa Catarina [Smith 1978, Smith 2006], São Paulo [Smith 1990]; Uruguay [Smith 2006]).
Lagideus badoae Smith
Lagideus badoae Smith in Smith & Bado, 2004: 120-124. Type locality: Argentina: Cap. Fed. Holotype female, by original designation. Type depository: MLPA. Described: female. Illust.
Smith & Bado 2004 [description of immature stages, host plant, illustration of female, illustration of immature stages, illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of male: 120-124]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist, host plant: 617].
Neotropical: Argentina (Buenos Aires [Smith & Bado 2004, Smith 2006]); Uruguay [Smith & Bado 2004, Smith 2006].
Hosts – MYRTALES Onagraceae: Fuchsia sp. [Smith & Bado 2004, Smith 2006], Ludwigia peploides (Kunth) Raven [Smith & Bado 2004, Smith 2006].
Lagideus besus Smith
Lagideus besus Smith, 1990: 114. Type locality: Brazil: Caraguatatuba, São Paulo. Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: MZSP. Described: female. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of female, illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of sawsheath, key: 99, 109, 110, 114]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Brazil (São Paulo [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).
Lagideus cellius Smith
Lagideus cellius Smith, 1990: 114-115. Type locality: Brazil: Mount Roraima, Arabupu, 4200 feet. Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: BMNH. Described: female. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of sawsheath, key: 99, 110, 114-115]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Brazil (Roraima [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).
Lagideus crinitus Konow
Lagideus crinitus Konow, 1905c: 161. Type locality: Argentina. Syntype, female. Type depository: DEIC. Described: female.
Konow 1905a [distribution (range): 36]; Jörgensen 1913 [distribution record: 251]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 174]; Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of female, key, taxonomy: 98, 110, 115]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Argentina [Konow 1905a, Jörgensen 1913, Smith 1978, Smith 1990, Smith 2006].
Lagideus effus Smith
Lagideus effus Smith, 1990: 115-116. Type locality: Peru: Machu Picchu, Cuzco. Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: AEIC. Described: female. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of sawsheath, key: 98, 109, 110, 115-116]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Peru [Smith 1990, Smith 2006].
Lagideus gerus Smith
Lagideus gerus Smith, 1990: 116. Type locality: Brazil: Serra do Caraça, S Bárbara, Minas Geraís. Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: AEIC. Described: female. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of sawsheath, key: 99, 109, 112, 116]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Brazil (Minas Geraís [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).
Lagideus inonus Smith
Lagideus inonus Smith, 1990: 116-117. Type locality: Brazil: Teresopolis, Rio de Janeiro. Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: AEIC. Described: female. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of sawsheath, key: 99, 112, 113, 116-117]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).
Lagideus kolonus Smith
Lagideus kolonus Smith, 1990: 117. Type locality: Ecuador: Runtun-Banos. Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: USNM. Described: female. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of adult, illustration of lance/lancet, key: 99, 109, 112, 117]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Ecuador [Smith 1990, Smith 2006].
Lagideus longicus Smith
Lagideus longicus Smith, 1990: 118. Type locality: Costa Rica: Pta. Monteverde Res., 1500 m. Holotype male, by original designation. Type depository: CNCI. Described: male. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of female, illustration of male, illustration of male genitalia, key: 98, 99, 108, 112, 118], Smith 1995b [distribution (range): 172]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Costa Rica [Smith 1990, Smith 1995b, Smith 2006].
Lagideus luticus Smith
Lagideus luticus Smith, 1990: 118. Type locality: Argentina: Horco Molle, Tucumán. Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: MCZC. Described: female. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of sawsheath, key: 99, 111, 112, 118]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Argentina (Tucumán [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).
Lagideus mexicanus Smith
Lagideus mexicanus Smith, 1990: 119. Type locality: Mexico: El. Triunfo, 49 km S Jaltenango, Chiapas. Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: USNM. Described: female.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of genitalia, key: 110, 119]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Mexico (Chiapas [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).
Lagideus mulsus Smith
Lagideus mulsus Smith, 1990: 119-120. Type locality: Brazil: S.J. Barreiro, Serra da Bocaina. Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: AEIC. Described: female.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of sawsheath, key: 99, 112, 119-120]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Brazil (São Paulo [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).
Lagideus oranus Smith
Lagideus oranus Smith, 1990: 120. Type locality: Bolivia: Yungas, 2000 m. Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: MHNB. Described: female. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of sawsheath, key: 98, 112, 113, 120]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Bolivia [Smith 1990, Smith 2006].
Lagideus rious Smith
Lagideus rious Smith, 1990: 120-121. Type locality: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Distrito Federal (=Brasilia). Holotype female, by original designation. Type depository: USNM. Described: female. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of adult, illustration of lance/lancet, key: 99, 110, 111, 120-121]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).
Lagideus romius Smith
Lagideus romius Smith, 1990: 121-122. Type locality: Ecuador: Napo, Limoncocha, 250 m. Holotype female, by original designation. Type depository: CNCI. Described: female. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of adult, illustration of female, illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of sawsheath, key: 98, 99, 111, 112, 121-122]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Ecuador [Smith 1990, Smith 2006].
Lagideus townesi Smith
Lagideus townesi Smith, 1990: 122-123. Type locality: Argentina: Villa Nogues, S Tucumán, 2000 feet. Holotype female, by original designation. Type depository: AEIC. Described: male, female. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of female, illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of male, illustration of male genitalia, illustration of sawsheath, key: 98, 99, 108, 110, 111, 11]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Argentina (Tucumán [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).
Lagideus ucratus Smith
Lagideus ucratus Smith, 1990: 123. Type locality: Bolivia: Alto Beni, Palos Blancos. Holotype female, by original designation. Type depository: MACN. Described: female. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of adult, illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of sawsheath, key: 98, 99, 111, 112, 123]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Bolivia [Smith 1990]; Peru [Smith 1990, Smith 2006].
Lagideus votatus Smith
Lagideus votatus Smith, 1990: 123-124. Type locality: Brazil: S.J. Barreiro, Serra da Bocaina, 1650 m. Holotype male, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: AEIC. Described: male. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of male, illustration of male genitalia, key: 99, 108, 113, 123-124]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Brazil (São Paulo [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).
Lagideus wuncatus Smith
Lagideus wuncatus Smith, 1990: 124. Type locality: Argentina: Punta Lara. Holotype male, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: AEIC. Described: male. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of male, illustration of male genitalia, key: 99, 108, 113, 124]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Argentina (Buenos Aires [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).
Lagideus wygodzinskyi Malaise
Lagideus wygodzinskyi Malaise, 1949: 18-19. Type locality: Brazil: Rio de Janeiro, Nova Friburgo, 900 m. Holotype female, by monotypy. Type depository: NHRS. Described: female.
Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 174]; Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of sawsheath, key, type information: 99, 109, 112, 124]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro [Smith 1978, Smith 1990, Smith 2006], São Paulo [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).
Lagideus yantuus Smith
Lagideus yantuus Smith, 1990: 124-125. Type locality: Brazil: Serra da Bocaina, S.J. Barreiros. Holotype male, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: MCZC. Described: male. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of male, illustration of male genitalia, key: 99, 108, 113, 124-135]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Brazil (São Paulo [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).
Lagideus zisetus Smith
Lagideus zisetus Smith, 1990: 125. Type locality: Peru: Carpish Mountains N of Huanuco, 2600 m. Holotype male, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: BMNH. Described: male. Illust.
Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of male, illustration of male genitalia, key: 98, 108, 113, 125]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Peru [Smith 1990, Smith 2006].