Number of pergid species in the world

The classification of the Pergidae has recently been updated and the family now comprises 12 instead of previously 14 subfamilies. The Euryinae are now included in the Perreyiinae, and the Phylacteophaginae are placed within the Acordulecerinae. For details see Schmidt & Walter 2013.

The table shows the number of species in the New World and Australasia. In brackets the number of species that do not occur in Australia but are confined to Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

Taxon New World Austral-asia Total
Subfamily Acordulecerinae 105 7 112
Acordulecera 60 60
Acorduloceridea 15 15
Anathulea 4 4
Busalus 1 1
Caloperga 1 1
Ceratoperia 1 1
Corynophilus 1 1
Enjijus 1 1
Giladeus 3 3
Krausius 1 - 1
Leptoperga 1 1
Phylacteophaga 5 5
Quetutus 1 1
Sutwanus 2 2
Tequus 14 14
Truqus 1 1
Subfamily Conocoxinae 5 5
Conocoxa 2 2
Lycosceles 1 1
Nithulea 2 2
Subfamily Loboceratinae 30 30
Aulacomerus 28 28
Hyperoceros 1 1
Skelosyzygonia 1 1
Subfamily Parasyzygoniinae 2 2
Parasyzygonia 2 2
Subfamily Perginae 61 61
Acanthoperga 4(1) 4
Antiperga 3 3
Cerealces 1 1
Paraperga 1 1
Perga 19 19
Pergagrapta 14(3) 14
Pseudoperga 8 8
Xyloperga 11 11
Subfamily Pergulinae 16 3 19
Haplostegus 16 16
Pergula 3 3
Subfamily Perreyiinae 83 65 148
Ancyloneura 6(6) 6
Barilochia 1 1
Camptoprium 12 12
Cladomacra 6(6) 6
Clarissa 13 13
Dalia 1 1
Decameria 36 36
Diphamorphos 4 4
Eurys 12 12
Heteroperreyia 8 8
Neoeurys 20 20
Perreyia 12 12
Perreyiella 14 14
Polyclonus 1 1
Warra 2 2
Subfamily Philomastiginae 3 3 6
Cerospastus 1 1
Ecopatus 1 1
Philomastix 3 3
Philoperra 1 1
Subfamily Pterygophorinae 22 22
Lophyrotoma 15(5) 15
Pterygophorus 7(2) 7
Subfamily Pteryperginae 3 3
Pteryperga 3 3
Subfamily Styracotechyinae 1 1
Styracotechys 1 1
Subfamily Syzygoniinae 32 32
Incalia 4 4
Lagideus 23 23
Paralypia 4 4
Syzygonia 1 1
Totals 276 165 441