
Paralypia Kirby, 1882: 33. Type species: Paralypia picipes Kirby, by monotypy.


Kirby 1882 [description, systematics – classification: 33, 91-92]; Ashmead 1898 [key: 229]; Konow 1900 [key: 68]; Konow 1905a [description, distribution (range), key: 32, 35]; Rohwer 1911a [type information: 86]; Benson 1935 [systematics – classification: 224]; Benson 1938c [systematics – classification: 381]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 173]; Pagliano & Scaramozzino 1990 [catalogue/checklist: 149]; Smith 1990 [diagnosis, distribution (range), key, key to species, taxonomy: 100, 104-106]; Abe & Smith 1991 [systematics – classification: 61].

Paralypia colombiana Smith

Paralypia colombiana Smith, 1990: 105. Type locality: Colombia: Lake Sapatoza, Chiriguana. Holotype male, by original designation. Type depository: BMNH. Described: male. Illust.


Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of adult, illustration of male genitalia, key: 98, 105]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist].


Neotropical: Colombia [Smith 1990, Smith 2006].

Paralypia lacertosa Konow

Paralypia lacertosa Konow, 1906b: 368-369. Type locality: Brazil: Pará. Syntype, female. Type depository: DEIC. Described: male.


Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 173]; Smith 1990 [distribution (range), key, type information: 105, 106]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist].


Neotropical: Brazil (Pará [Smith 1978, Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).

Paralypia picipes Kirby

Paralypia picipes Kirby, 1882: 33. Type locality: Brazil: Santarem, Pará. Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: BMNH. Described: female. Illust.


Dalla Torre 1894 [catalogue/checklist: 347]; Konow 1905a [distribution (range): 35]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 173]; Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of adult, illustration of sawsheath, key, type information: 98, 105, 106]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist].


Neotropical: Brazil (Pará [Smith 1978, Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).

Paralypia zikani Smith

Paralypia zikani Smith, 1990: 106. Type locality: Brazil: Itatiaya, 700 m, Rio de Janeiro. Holotype male, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: MNRJ. Described: male.


Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of male genitalia, key: 98, 105, 106]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist].


Neotropical: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro [Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).