Parasyzygonia Rohwer, 1911a: 102. Type species: Syzygonia cyanoptera Klug, by original designation.
Rohwer 1911a [key, type information: 86, 102]; Mallach 1929 [key to species: 288]; Benson 1938c [systematics – classification: 381]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 172]; Pagliano & Scaramozzino 1990 [catalogue/checklist: 151]; Smith 1990 [distribution (range), key to species, taxonomy: 93-96]; Abe & Smith 1991 [systematics – classification: 62-63].
Parasyzygonia cyanoptera (Klug)
Syzygonia cyanoptera Klug, 1824: 179-180. Type locality: Brazil. Syntype, female. Type depository: ZMHB. Described: female.
Schizocerus cyanoptera: Norton, 1867: 56. Change of combination.
Parasyzygonia cyanoptera: Rohwer, 1911a: 102. Change of combination.
Parasyzygonia rufosternalis Mallach, 1929: 288. Type locality: Brazil: Petropolis. Holotype male, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: ZMHB. Described: male. Synonymy by Smith, 1978: 172.
Syzygonia cyanoptera: Jolivet, 1955: 17. Change of combination.
Perty 1830 [diagnosis, distribution (range), illustration of adult: 130, pl. xxvi, fig. 4]; Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau 1833 [description of female, illustration of female: 456, pl. 16B]; Klug 1834 [diagnosis, distribution record: 229]; Kirby 1882 [distribution (range): 31-32]; Dalla Torre 1894 [catalogue/checklist: 348]; Konow 1905a [distribution (range), illustration of female: 10, pl. 1]; Mallach 1929 [key: 288]; Conde 1932 [distribution record, illustration of male genitalia: 438, 439]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 172]; Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of adult, illustration of female, illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of male, illustration of male genitalia, illustration of sawsheath, key, taxonomy, type information: 94, 95, 96]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist, synonymy: 617].
Neotropical: Brazil [Klug 1834, Konow 1905a] (Minas Geraís [Smith 1990, Smith 2006], Paraná [Smith 1978, Smith 1990, Smith 2006], Rio Grande do Sul [Smith 1990, Smith 2006], Rio de Janeiro [Kirby 1882, Smith 1978, Smith 1990, Smith 2006], Santa Catarina [Smith 1978, Smith 1990, Smith 2006], São Paulo [Conde 1932, Smith 1978, Smith 1990, Smith 2006]); Venezuela [Smith 1990, Smith 2006].
Parasyzygonia pallidior Malaise
Parasyzygonia pallidior Malaise, 1939: 26. Type locality: Brazil: Hansa Humbolt, Santa Catarina. Holotype female, by monotypy and original designation. Type depository: NHRS. Described: female.
Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 172]; Smith 1990 [distribution (range), illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of sawsheath, taxonomy, key, type information: 94, 95, 96]; Smith 2006 [catalogue/checklist: 617].
Neotropical: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro [Smith 1990, Smith 2006], Santa Catarina [Smith 1978, Smith 1990, Smith 2006]).