
Philomastix Froggatt, 1890b: 487-488. Type species: Perga nancarrowi Froggatt. Subsequently designated by Rohwer, 1911a: 87.


Ashmead 1898 [key: 231]; Froggatt 1901 [description, description of immature stages, host plant: 8]; Konow 1905a [key: 36]; Rohwer 1911a [type information: 87]; Rohwer 1911c [systematics – classification: 220]; Morice 1919 [key, revision/review: 256, 287-288]; Tillyard 1926 [diagnosis: 265]; Benson 1938c [distribution (range), illustration of adult, systematics – classification: 374, 379, 380]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 159]; Pagliano & Scaramozzino 1990 [catalogue/checklist: 157]; Smith 1990 [key: 22]; Abe & Smith 1991 [systematics – classification: 65]; Naumann 1991 [distribution (range), host plant, illustration of adult: 933, 934, 935]; Macdonald & Ohmart 1993 [behaviour, biology, development, economic importance, illustration of female, illustration of immature stages, life history, oviposition: 493-494]; Naumann & Groth 1998 [description, distribution (range), host plant, key, new taxon: 129-145]; Pschorn-Walcher 1998 [behaviour, oviposition, sociality: 460, 464]; Schmidt et al. 2006 [behaviour, oviposition: 188].


Females of Philomastix spp. pierce the leaf from above and place the egg on the underside of the leaf (Macdonald & Ohmart 1993). All species of this genus exhibit maternal care. Females stand near their egg mass and young larvae or near the leaf petiole with the head directed to the stem and when disturbed they shake and create a buzzing sound with their wings (Macdonald & Ohmart 1993, Naumann & Groth 1998). This behaviour lasts until they die. Larvae feed during daylight hours (Macdonald & Ohmart 1993). A similar life history has been observed in Sericoceros krugii (Cresson)  and S. mexicanus (Hymenoptera: Argidae) which live onCoccoloba spp. (Polygonaceae) and Chrysobalanus icaco L. (Chrysobalanaceae) (Martorell 1941, Ciesla 2002). Females ofPhilomastix lay their eggs on the surface on the underside of the leaf, apparently attached by a small petiole, in clusters varying from 15 to 40 eggs. Sometimes 3-4 cluster are found on a single leaf and guarded by the female. The eggs are initially bright red and turn pink later. The last moulting occurs before cocoon construction. Pupation occurs on twigs, branches, or on the trunk.

Philomastix macleaii (Westwood)

Perga macleaii Westwood, 1880: 372-373. Type locality: Australia. Syntype, female. Type depository: OXUM. Described: female. Illust.

Philomastix glabra Froggatt, 1890b: 489-490. Type locality: Australia: Dunoon, Richmond River, New South Wales. Syntype, male, female. Type depository: ANIC. Described: male, female. Synonymy by Froggatt, 1918: 671.

Philomastix glaber: Froggatt, 1890c: 696. Misspelling of species name.

Philomastix glaber: Froggatt, 1892: 201. Misspelling of species name.

Perga macleayi Dalla Torre, 1894: 351. Unjustified emendation; discovered by Naumann & Groth, 1998: 136.

Philomastix glabra: Konow, 1898: 248-250. Subsequent description.

Philomastix glaber: Froggatt, 1901: 8. Misspelling of species name.

Heptacola Macleayi: Konow, 1905a: 12. Misidentification; discovered by Schmidt & Smith, 2002.

Philomastix glaber: Froggatt, 1907: 73. Misspelling of species name.

Philomastix glaber: Froggatt, 1918: 671. Misspelling of species name.

Philomastix glaber: Morice, 1919: 287-288. As synonym ofmacleayii Westwood, misspelling of species name.

Philomastix nancarrowi: Forsius, 1927: 283. Misidentification; discovered by Naumann & Groth, 1998: 136.


Kirby 1882 [distribution (range): 26]; Shipp 1893 [distribution record, type information: 265]; Dalla Torre 1894 [catalogue/checklist: 351]; Froggatt 1890c [catalogue/checklist, distribution (range): 693, 696]; Froggatt 1892 [distribution record, host plant: 201]; Froggatt 1901 [common name, description, host plant, illustration of female, illustration of immature stages, illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of male: 8, plates]; Konow 1905a [distribution (range): 12]; Froggatt 1907 [description of immature stages, host plant, illustration of female, illustration of immature stages, illustration of male: 73, pl. XI]; Cleland 1918 [natural enemies: 52]; Froggatt 1918 [distribution record, host plant, synonymy: 671]; Morice 1919 [key, taxonomy, type information: 287-288]; Tillyard 1926 [illustration of adult: 265, pl. 21]; Forsius 1927 [distribution record: 136, 283]; Brimblecombe 1948a [distribution (range), distribution record, economic importance, host plant: 2, 3]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist, host plant: 159]; Smith 1980b [distribution record: 342-343]; Clyne 1986 [behaviour, behavioural defence, host plant, illustration of female, oviposition: 494]; Naumann et al. 1994 [type information: 71]; Naumann & Groth 1998 [description, habitat, host plant, illustration of female, illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of male, illustration of male genitalia, key: 132, 136-142, 144]; Schmidt 2006 [catalogue/checklist, host plant, synonymy: 631].


Australasian: Australia (New South Wales [Froggatt 1890b, Froggatt 1892, Smith 1978, Naumann & Groth 1998, Schmidt 2006], Queensland [Smith 1980b, Naumann & Groth 1998, Schmidt 2006]).


Foe – AVES Cuculidae: Cacomantis flabelliformis Latham [Cleland 1918]. Hosts – ROSALES Rosaceae: Rubus moluccanus L. [Froggatt 1892, Froggatt 1901, Schmidt 2006], Rubus rosifolius Smith [Naumann & Groth 1998, Schmidt 2006].

Philomastix nancarrowi Froggatt

Philomastix nancarrowi Froggatt, 1890b: 488-489. Type locality: Australia: Cairns, Queensland. Holotype female, by original designation. Type depository: ANIC. Described: female.

Philomastix naucarrowi: Dalla Torre, 1894: 308. Misspelling of species name.

Philomastix naucarrowi: Konow, 1905a: 37. Misspelling of species name.

Philomastix naucarrowi: Rohwer, 1911a: 87. Misspelling of species name.

Philomastix nancarrowi: Forsius, 1927: 283. Misidentification; discovered by Naumann & Groth, 1998: 133.


Froggatt 1890c [catalogue/checklist, distribution (range): 696]; Dalla Torre 1894 [catalogue/checklist: 308]; Konow 1905a [distribution (range): 37]; Morice 1919 [illustration of female, illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of male, key, synonymy, type information: 287-288, pl. xi, fig. 13, pl. xii, figs 5, 6, 15, pl. xiii, fig. 9]; Leask 1943 [distribution record, host plant: 2]; Leask 1944a [behaviour, description of immature stages, distribution record, host plant, illustration of female, illustration of immature stages, life history, oviposition: 1-3]; Brimblecombe 1948a [distribution (range), distribution record, economic importance, host plant: 2, 3]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist, host plant: 159]; Naumann et al. 1994 [type information: 71]; Naumann & Groth 1998 [description, habitat, host plant, illustration of female, illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of male, illustration of male genitalia, key: 131-133, 134, 142, 144]; Schmidt 2006 [catalogue/checklist, host plant: 631].


Australasian: Australia (Queensland [Konow 1905a, Leask 1943, Leask 1944a, Smith 1978, Naumann & Groth 1998, Schmidt 2006]).


Hosts – ROSALES Rosaceae: Rubus hillii F.Mueller [Leask 1944a, Schmidt 2006], Rubus rosifolius Smith [Leask 1943, Leask 1944a, Schmidt 2006].


Females place their eggs in groups of 30-40 on the leaf underside on both sides of the midvein and later position themselves at the base of the leaf where the larvae feed on, with the head directed towards the stem (Leask 1944d). They have been observed to guide young larvae to new leaves (Leask l.c.).

Philomastix xanthophylax Naumann & Groth

Philomastix xanthophylax Naumann & Groth, 1998: 142-145. Type locality: Australia: Toowoomba, Queensland. Holotype female, by original designation. Type depository: ANIC. Described: female, male and larva. Illust.


Naumann & Groth 1998 [habitat, host plant, illustration of female, illustration of immature stages, illustration of lance/lancet, illustration of male, illustration of male genitalia, key: 142-145]; Schmidt 2006 [catalogue/checklist, host plant: 631].


Australasian: Australia (Queensland [Naumann & Groth 1998, Schmidt 2006]).


Host – RHAMNALES Rhamnaceae: Alphitonia excelsa (Fenzl) Bentham [Naumann & Groth 1998, Schmidt 2006].

Philomastix sp.


Riek 1970b [illustration of immature stages: 880].