Cimbicinae (pt.) Kirby, 1882: 31.
Loboceratinae (pt.) Kirby, 1882: 79.
Lobocerides (pt.) Cameron, 1883: 58-60.
Lobocerinae (pt.) Ashmead, 1898: 228-229.
Lobocerotides (pt.) Konow, 1898: 248.
Pterygophorinae (pt.) Ashmead, 1898: 230.
Lobocerotides (pt.) Konow, 1905a: 31-33.
Acordulecerinae MacGillivray, 1906: 638.
Acordulecerini Rohwer, 1911c: 226.
Acorduleceridae Ross, 1937: 55.
Konow 1900 [key to genera: 67-68]; Rohwer 1911c [key, systematics – classification: 218, 225-226]; Jörgensen 1913 [diagnosis, key: 284, 285]; Yuasa 1920 [illustration of immature stages, structure: 103, 150, pl. vii]; Benson 1935 [description of adult, distribution (range), key: 222]; Ross 1937 [diagnosis, key, new taxon, systematics – classification: 34, 35, 51, 55-56]; Benson 1938c [distribution (range), illustration of adult, key: 378, 380]; Smith 1978 [catalogue/checklist: 175-181]; Smith 1990 [distribution (range), key, key to genera, systematics – classification, taxonomy: 13, 147-191]; Pagliano & Scaramozzino 1990 [catalogue/checklist: 26]; Smith 1995b [diagnosis, distribution (range), key: 171]; Connor & Taverner 1997 [ecology: 6-25]; Smith & Janzen 2003 [diagnosis: 322].